Nogales Community Development
Nogales Community Development is fostering long-term economic growth in the central business district.
In 1999, NCD acquired three pieces of property and created affordable parking for the employees of the downtown businesses so that more convenient street level parking is available for visitors and shoppers.
From 2005-2008, NCD successfully developed a small business entrepreneurial area in the heart of downtown Nogales, which offers micro-entrepreneurs a space to operate food kiosks and the Nogales Mercado.
In 2008, NCD began he purchase and redevelopment of the former Bowman and De Anza hotels to spur redevelopment of other downtown properties.
In 2008, NDC created an outdoor market, the Nogales Little Mercado, in the historic downtown commercial district where start-up (or newly started) businesses can sell products and services, with a focus on local food system development. This space, which now also operates a weekly farmers market, supports local employment and provides fresh produce to local residents, including those on public benefits (SNAP and WIC).
In 2009, Mariposa Community Health Center and NCD joined forces to improve the local food system and address the needs of downtown residents, under the title Cosechando Bienestar (Harvesting Wellbeing).
On September 2011, NCD formed the Nogales Rural Innovation Consortium (NRIC) with the goal of creating business and job opportunities for local residents. Initial seed funding of $1,999,177 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Rural Innovation provided resources to acquire the Foxworth-Galbraith properties.
In 2012, NCD acquired the former Foxworth Building and Lumber Yard to develop the Nogales Innovation Centers and to develop Little Mercado into a commercial kitchen. The centers will encourage innovation ventures in Southern Arizona and enable residents and businesses in the region to capitalize on international trade opportunities along the U.S.-Mexican border.
In 2012, NCD launched Nogales First Friday at the Little Mercado for local artists to display and sell their products on the first Friday of every month. The focus of First Fridays is art and handcrafts, but charities, food vendors and performing artists are also welcome.
In 2013, NCD secured a $10.5 million Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) allocation from the Arizona Department of Housing to redevelop properties at the former Bowman Hotel into 48 units of senior housing with community space on the lower floors where a team of local providers will offer supportive services to residents.
In 2014, NCD launched The New Next capital campaign for the Nogales Innovation Centers to raise $2 million for building improvements and offsite needs.
Contact Us.
For further information, please contact Nogales Community Development.
Mariposa Community Health Center: An NCD Community Partner in the Community Garden Leaders Program
In 2012, NCD and MCHC teamed up to provide local residents with training every week through the Community Garden Leaders program. Participants attended 13 training sessions at Avalon Gardens, and then put their new knowledge and skills to work back in Nogales. Projects ranged from helping neighbors to install and improve gardens, to working with schools and churches, and communicating food production information through the media. The program connects local residents with local food producers to increase the consumption of fresh, healthy foods, promoting development of a local food system as something key to both health and economic development.